Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Huge Thank You!!

I just wanted to jump on really quickly and thank all of you who have supported me by purchasing or downloading Sweetwater Springs. You don't know how much it means to me to see people interested in my story.  I also wanted to thank all of those who have reviewed the book. I know we all look at stories differently and look for different things in a story, so not all reviews are going to be the same, but I appreciate all of them for what they are. An author doesn't know how to write for her audience if they don't tell her what they want so thank you to those who have spoken your mind, whatever that may be.

Also I need to thank my wonderful husband.  He has worked so hard with me on this book, encouraging, editing, giving ideas and most of all marketing.  Sweetwater Springs would have never existed without him, so thank you!!

Lastly, I have heard from some of you that you are anxious to read the next book and I assure you I am working hard to get it ready. So please be patient and you can hopefully expect to see something new in the next few months.  Thanks again to all of you and all those who have helped me in any way; supporters, beta readers and family who have put up with this wonderful process of writing.

I love you all, and happy reading!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Very Happy with Early April!

It's the 5th of April, exactly 4 days after my free day with Sweetwater Springs.  And I gotta tell ya - I'm happy about it.  I have now passed my all time monthly high in paid sales, and it's only the 5th!  Yeah!  Plus - I'm getting more 'Borrows', then I've seen ever!  And that's always good too.  : )

I'd like to post just a note about some of the thing I'm learning.

#1 - Patience is the name of this game.  I went into this reading lots and lots of success stories about big numbers and big money, and I guess I kind of expected the same, but more moderately.  I posted Sweetwater Springs in early September of last year. sales trickled in the single digits for the first couple of months.  But I persisted and tried and read and studied and now I'm seeing more results.  Patience is truly the game here to wait for things to propagate and get to know the tips and tricks.

#2 - Speaking of Tips and Tricks.  There are Millions! of them online.  It simply takes time to find them and read them and find out how to implement them into your strategy.  But therein lies the tip!  Find, Read, Implement!

For example, I recently read about a trick to garner more attention and downloads when you run a free promotion on Kindle Select.  The author of the article/blog/thread suggested changing the display price of the book up a few dollars more than it's normally listed for.  Then when the book goes free, it looks like an even better discount.  Who doesn't love a great discount!

#3 - Free Days on Kindle Select work wonders!  Sure, you give away hundreds or thousands of books for free, but it generates lots and lots of 'talk' and increases your position in the ranking system.  This, in turn, puts your book in front of more people, more often, which, after your book converts back to paid (and you change the price back to your 'normal' price), you'll see lots more sales.  And sales I'm seeing!  In fact, in another day or so, I'll have more sales in April than I'll have had in all the time I've had my book listed - combined!

#4 - Success is fleeting at best and the winds of non-control will always keep you on your toes.  You can't change the internet.  You can't change company algorithms.  You can't control who randomly will love your book and choose to do an entire blog post on it (I'm still waiting on that one).  And there are myriad of things you can't control.  So don't try to.  Go along for the ride and do your best at what you think you can do.  With a little bit of #1 above, you'll see success.

#5 - Promotion.  There are some authors that can get by without manually spreading their names much and I say good for them.  The luck lands on them.  But I'm not one of them.  I update my blog semi-regularly, I tweet fairly often and I post on Kindle Boards.  My facebook page is updated sometimes.  Telling people about your book, without 'pushing it on them', can only do you good. 

But in the end - patience with study and practice will get you results.  But mostly patience.  :)

Care to comment?  You are welcome to do so in the comment area!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Free Day for Sweetwater Springs

I know this is coming terribly late in the day, and that I should have had this up early, early this morning.  But I am just crazy busy.

Sweetwater Springs is FREE today for Kindle.  You can 'buy' it here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005KYIZ76

This weekend is actually our 'Girls Weekend'.  So I'm currently stuck in Denver waiting on a very delayed plane to get me back home.  After a couple of very late nights up with the girls having a blast, I am very tired and I still have some 8+ hours before I'm back home in my own bed.  Wish me strength!

Anyway - back to Sweetwater.  I should have posted this this morning, but things are going well for this free day.  I'm well over 2000 downloads and all signs point to plenty more downloads before the free day ends.

I am climbing in the rankings and that makes me happy.  These free days provide great exposure and I'm excited for all of the people to read my book.  I could sure use some more reviews though - So - hint, hint, those of you downloading and reading my book, I'd love to hear from you and hear your thoughts on Sweetwater Springs!