Thursday, February 23, 2012

Book Giveaway


The '10 Free Books' giveaway has been canceled effective 10:30pm MST 02.23.2012 due to a change in our marketing plan.  Please stay in touch for a notice of our new plan.


In yet another effort to get me moving on my blog, Twitter and Facebook, I've decided to do a giveaway of my Novel "Sweetwater Springs".  (click here to read about it)  The way I figure it is that if I have people contacting me about this, I'll be forced to check-in, update and follow.  So, You have become my inspiration to get back into the cyber-social world.

So, let's get to it.  Today, starting now, I'm giving away 10 copies of my Clean Historical Romance, Sweetwater Springs".  The first 10 posted comments to this thread will get a coupon to Smashwords to download the book.  I will contact you via the email address you have registered on your comments.

I promise to stay up-to-date on this, reply in a reasonable time-frame and provide you with your coupon quickly.  This is my motivation to get me moving again in the digital world.


  1. Too bad I hadn't met you yet when you were offering this contest! :)

  2. Well you can still get the book free if you are an Amazon prime member.

    I'll also be doing a 'Free Day' coming up soon. Watch for my blog post and tweets to announce it.

    And thanks for visiting my blog!
