Thursday, September 12, 2013

Back to School!

I don't know about you but getting back into the swing of school is hard!! The kids don't want to get out of bed, and I spend the bulk of my day trying to put my house and myself back to order after a crazy summer.  I told myself this week I needed to buckle down and get some writing done.  You would think with all the kids in school for most of the day that would be easy, but it just isn't.  Then it hit me the other day, I only have two months to get my first draft done on my most recent manuscript, and then I need to get crakin on NANOWRIMO!! Can you believe it is only two months away! AHAH.

My hubby asked me the other day if I have any ideas, and I am flat out.  Often time things that happen in my everyday life catches my eye and I can form a plot around it. Sometimes it is a crazy dream, or something I witness in the grocery store, but no matter how hard I look I can't come up with a good idea.  Some years for Nano I have great ideas, I can't wait to get them down on paper, and for months before November 1st I am playing over and over the opening pages. Sometimes I have pictures printed out and detailed outlines waiting to go, but this year I have nothing, nada, capoot! 

Talk about stressful for a writer.  We make a living on having good ideas and making them into great stories.  It is fun to think up a character and develop their lives, get to know then, want for them and hurt for them. In a way it is like being a parent to a whole slew of people.  I love the creativity that comes along with the stories and the escape to a different place and time it affords me.  I guess I have to say that is my favorite part of the story writing process, getting to know the people in my books. 

So alas I may start Nano with no idea at all but I am determined to succeed!  Just like my kids, who don't want to get up, or do homework we preserver, and I will preserver.  But...if any of you have a good idea, I would love to hear about it. :)