Thursday, October 22, 2009

Update and so much more...

Decided to update my blog. 10 days until NaNoWriMo and I hope my outline is finished in time. Character Interviews are taking longer than expected, but I am finding out some interesting things about them. :) Haven't written to music yet, other than kids cartoons in the background, I think I will try a music list that doesn't include Handy Manny or Micky Mouse Club House!!!

Good luck to all you NaNoers and if you need a buddy let me know.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

NaNoWriMo '09

I'm in on NaNoWriMo. 50,000 words in November. Character profiles are coming together. Working on my outline. What is a good word-count for an outline?

I'm on the hunt for buddies - others who are enslaving themselves for the month of November, others who are pushing the limits of writing abilities. I seek support, and wish to provide it too.

Go ahead, sign up for NaNoWriMo and let the words flow. I'm in - aren't you?